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Counseling services

Below is a list of counselors and services that CFC would recommend for biblical counseling for a variety of needs. If you would like to talk to a pastor from our staff please call 509.235.4282 to setup an appointment for pastoral care and prayer. Our staff pastors only provide pastoral care and would recommend one of the services below for professional help.


Genesis Institute

Phone contact: 509-467-7913



Spokane Christian Counseling

Phone contact: 509-209-8961



Online Christian Counseling


Brian Alquist

Phone: 509-475-7392


Jessica Crockett

Phone: 509-944-5467


MyChoice Clinics – medical, housing & mentor support for unplanned pregnancy and sexual health issues.


Abanon – Healing avenues for those who have experienced abortion.


Savanon – Healing avenues for those who have experienced sexual trauma


 ARMS – Healing avenues for those who have

 experienced domestic violence






American Association of Christian Counselors,, find a local therapist

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